Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct. 29, 09 Haiti Mission Trip

How can we not praise God the creator of all and from whom all blessings flow? Each day in Haiti is such a blessing and a struggle. God has brought so many together through the church of Jesus to sharpen each other and to work side by side. It never ceases to amaze me how cool God is to use a bunch of kooks like us to further His plan of Kingdom expansion. As we stumble through each day God just seems to continue to lay a clear path to travel. I need to say no more about how Dottie takes care of us except PTL. We got to the church site first thing this morning to talk to the bosses (Haitian dudes in charge) about a material for the foundation. Today was a very important day for all involved. The men are just about finished with the digging and are almost ready for rebar and concrete. Once Chuck pinned boss down for a list we took off for another eventful trip to town with Gabriel. Steve and I along with a couple of Haitians took the truck to the lumber store to meet the rest of the crew. The lumber guys got all the rebar together for us and loaded it on the truck. From that point we split back up. We took the material back to the work site while Chuck and Jerry went in search of sand and rock, which in the big scheme of things is not hard to find especially on this island. Although this stuff really is everywhere the building sand and rock has to be bought through the proper venders. Chuck and Jerry had four truck loads of sand and two truck loads of rock delivered to the church site. Even though today was very productive there will be many more trips to town to gather material before the work is completed.
