Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 24, 2009

Once again we head off to Haiti to see what the Lord will allow us to do. Things we have planned on are seeing Pastor Fanilus in the hospital and to build pews for the new church on the mountain, Jerusalem II.

We are experimenting with a new airline called Spirit and hit our first glitch of the trip when we arrived in Atlanta. At the ticket counter they informed us that we can only have one check in bag due to an embargo they have with Port Au Prince. Well Chuck and I had two trunks apiece that had tools that would be needed to perform the task for the pews. Wow, what a curve ball. We looked at each other and said what we do. The only thing we could do was just pray for wisdom on what to do. God is so gracious and guided us through this mess. So we decide to pack all our stuff in one trunk each and deal with the over weight charges. We ended up with only one trunk being over the weight limit.

I am traveling with Chuck Martindale and Joe Hutchinson. We will meet fellow brother in Christ and missionary George Truelove in Port. We will be staying at a new guest house in Port named Blue Ridge/ Keys for Life Ministries. Once we arrived and George picked us up and we headed off to Blue Ridge guest house. Chuck will be preaching tonight at Pastor Harry’s church in Port. I am looking so forward seeing Harry. He is such a warrior in Haiti. I love church in Haiti it is always so refreshing. As always Chuck did a wonderful job in the pulpit and Harry did a great job translating. I am beat and it will be good to rest.

Kenny Phillips