Sunday, January 31, 2010

While Many Supplies Are Stuck, We're Delivering Meals Thanks to Your Help

Praise god from whom all blessings flow. I would be singing more praise if I could get some sleep. For some odd reason, one that has not been explained to me yet, the generator comes on at 9:00 p.m. and does not go off till 2:00 a.m. It ain’t music to my ears. WOW! I just heard some gun shots. That’s a first. Anyway, we were able to hand out about 2000 meals today in some of the tent areas. This would not have been possible with out the help of the 24-7 intern dudes from Bayside Community Church out of Bradenton, Fl. These guys bagged up hundreds of baggies of rice and beans.

Along with some FMSC Manna Packs, this made up a nice bag of food. Each bag had about 12 meals. Dale and I went down to Dottie’s school to check out the clinic while Chuck chased rabbits with the NGO’s. You know these guys have a plan that works in theory but it is not going to be helpful at this time. The need is now and to sit around trying to circle wagons, cross T’s dot I’s and fill out paper work is not going to help it at all. It may work in the long run but sometimes you need to check the ego at the door and just look around and jump in feet first.

Anyway we are just trying to do what we can. It is such a joy to be able to know that a few folks are eating for the next few days. It is only a bandage on a severe wound. I know God remains in control and that when it comes down to it the heart of man will do all the post quake damage. We must continue to give all Glory and plead for mercy.
